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Resources for Bereaved Parents

Following are some helpful resources for parents who have lost a child. Simply click on the name to follow the link.


Alive Alone is an organization for the education and charitable purposes to benefit bereaved parents, whose only child or all children are deceased, by providing a self-help network and publications to promote communication and healing, to assist in resolving their grief, and a means to reinvest their lives for a positive future. 

Baby Steps is named after the baby steps that form the long and difficult road to recovery from the loss of a child. No parent, relative or friend is immune from the pain that results from the loss of a young loved one. 

Bereaved Parents of the USA  is a nationwide organization designed to aid and support bereaved parents and their families who are struggling to survive their grief after the death of a child. 

Compassionate Friends   The mission of The Compassionate Friends is to  assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive. 

Web Healing   is a site to help you understand and honor the many different paths to heal strong emotions. Tom Golden, LCSW, of Washington D.C. is an internationally known psychotherapist, author, and speaker on the topic of healing from loss. His Honor Page may be of particular interest for those who have suffered the painful end to childhood cancer.  

The Grief Recovery Institute is a series of feature articles on the subject of Grief Recovery and people's reaction to loss and what to do about it. The articles combine educational information with answers to commonly asked questions. 

Silent Grief is a well designed web site that provides an impressive collection of articles on child loss, chat, forums, and links. 




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